The sequel to The Incredible Machines of Thinkery: Outpost 9
Publishing date 15.05.25 – now available for pre-order!
He Sees You

The year is 1894. Two years since heartbroken carpenter Edwin Cooper might have become a widower. Two years since self-willed airship pilot Nell Sykes might have become the other woman.
The all-seeing, all-powerful Institute of Thinkery has lost its top Thinkery scientist – Professor Crowleigh. He is somewhere in Denmark, tenuously connected to eight bodies. Manipulated by The Institute into finding Crowleigh, Cooper learns the truth he thought he wanted, a truth that collides with the life he shares with Sykes. Hope is replaced by heartbreak, a trade of emotions that spins him into a darker world.
The body count climbs. The Institute claws closer. Who, and what, is Professor Benedict Crowleigh?
Can a man who is the enemy, be the man who leads Cooper towards a life of happiness?